Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Camden, NSW

Poplar Caravan park, Camden, a very nice caravan park with level spacious sites. Just right to take an excursion to see the Blue Mountains and also to sort out the pesky Diesel heater that has been giving me some problems since we set off.

It is because of the heating situation that we are spending so much time in caravan parks and not as intended, free camping. Although the weather has been fantastic since we set off the early morning temperatures plummet. So a trip to Webasto near Sydney to see if I can get the bloody thing sorted.

2 Tykes in all her finery including Casper sat in the shade, that's not normal for Casper as he loves to sun bathe.

We set off for the Blue Mountains which is something that Andrea has wanted to see for ages. The views were totally amazing and we were both astounded by their beauty. I will let you decide?

The drive through all those roadworks were well worth it!

View from Wentworth Falls Lookout

The view looking over the top, it makes your stomach turn when you look over!


British craftsmanship at its best, none of that American crap here Jock TR *, One for my other mate J.C.

Even Casper gets to see a thing astonishing!

A great setting for a picnic, the ham and cheese sandwiches were going down a treat.

We were being followed from view to view by crowds of Chinese (all with cameras) and a small Hiace minibus with three nuns in it!

Now I am sure there is a joke about three nuns in a minivan but for the life of me I cannot remember it.
Anyhow we decided to take a lunch break at Leura Cascades picnic ground and await the inevitable crowds of sightseers and the three sisters of mercy!

Now I make no excuses for what you are about to see and I will take full responsibility at the pearly gates if there is a question to answer?

I think everybody has been in a situation when you are screaming out for your camera to be placed in your hand! You need your camera and you need it now or you will miss forever a gift that has to be shared.

Who should arrive at this particular moment when I have left my camera in the car and when all you can find is someone else's camera and I'm not sure how to use it!!

Now to be fair to the three nuns a Hiace is a very large vehicle and assistance would always be required when reversing into such a tight spot. I think from memory the nearest vehicle was three bays away. However it is always best to ask for help, that said I think she would have been better off asking Ray Charles or Stevie Wonder for assistance.

Sorry for the brevity of the clips but it was sunny and i couldn't see if it was recording or not. Please feel free to tell me what is happening here as I am still unsure.

Roll Camera!

I really think my fate has been decided now. Me and ole Lucifer are gonna be playing cards for an eternity and I really don't care!!

Did you all see how the vehicle ended up?

Still sniggering to ourselves we set of again, this time to see, would you believe the three sisters from Echo Point viewing platform.

Three sisters in foreground, Kings tableland (immediately behind the three sisters. Medumba Valley to the right of the sisters and Mount Gibraltar (the chalky cliffs to the right of the pic).

Mount Solitary (left) Mount Jellore (the V shaped dip on left) Mount Colong (furthest in the distance and to the right) Narrow Neck (right and in line with Mt Jellore).


Poplar Caravan park Camden
Latitude -34 3 51S   Longitude 150 42 39E
Dump-point - Yes Toilets - Yes Water - Yes Pets - Yes Shower - Yes 
Length - 11 Mtrs Level - Yes Noise - No Grassed - Yes Cost - $30 per night Time Limit - None

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