Monday, April 15, 2013

The big day has arrived

The date is 15 April and true to my word the bus is now ready. Well as ready as she can be and we are now due to leave our home in the capable hands of Andrea's son, James and his girlfriend Abby. We are all packed and raring to go. First stop will be Nug Nug reserve on the outskirts of Myrtleford.
The trip to the Hume highway wasn't without its dramas! Bloody Garmin Nuvi tried to direct me to the centre of Melbourne, when all along I knew we really should have headed towards Tullamarine and then onwards to the Hume. But she who must be obeyed won out and I followed the stupid female voice into the city. Big big mistake we lost about an hour driving at a snail's pace up Burke street. A lesson well learnt there!

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