Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Nimbin via Lismore showgrounds

Lismore show grounds NSW May 12th - 14th 2013

I was really disapointed with Lismore show grounds, amenities were scruffy and had it not been in the perfect location for a visit to Nimbin we would have carried on our merry way.

We have wanted to visit Nimbin for a while now. Andrea's son Mathew had visited there approximately four years ago and came back telling us all about this alternative place. Yes Nimbin was definitely on our to-do list.

The drive from Lismore to Nimbin was different to say the least. The road surface was atrocious and in bad need of serious repair.
However someone had taken it upon themselves to highlight the damage in the road by painting the damage as sort of a disguise!
I wondered who may have done such a thing? It was probably one of the happy people from Nimbin, however I would love to think that it was a wannabe artist road worker being told by his foreman that the road would have to be scraped off and resurfaced. While all the time my rogue hi vizzed, hard hat wearing Leonardo has already planned how he wants the road to look. Maybe if I make it look like a snake they won't notice or complain anymore.

Or maybe a turtle? Or a starburst

Who ever did this, my hat comes off to you, and well done! I know I took my life in my hands trying to take photographs of your artistic endeavours as cars whizzed past at tremendous speeds. I can only hope that if you carry on graffitiing bitumen you take care.

Nimbin main street in all its colourful splendour, the artwork and murals were fantastic, very hippy like with lots of flower power.

Peace man Peace, even the VW kombi is on a high!

The sign says it all about Nimbin, If they get anymore laid back they will fall over !

Another favourite sign, which if everybody followed the world would be a better place.
We enjoyed the variety that Nimbin had to offer although both myself and Andrea did think that it wasn't as clean cut as it looked.
We were offered a smoke as we walked down the main street, we refused and thanked them for the offer, but no matter how Nimbin tries to disguise it, Cannabis is freely available and it shows in the many wrinkled  faces of the people that reside in Nimbin. If ever you needed a reason not to start smoking dope visit Nimbin. I personally have never seen so many un washed people in my whole life.

I haven't left Lismore show ground details as I wouldn't recommend this particular site.

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