Sunday, April 21, 2013

Lake Sambell Caravan Park, Beechworth, Vic

We have some friends joining us today from Frankston south, Kath and Glen are driving the three and a half hours to Beechworth for a long weekend. Where we would normally look for free camp sites we decided to pay the going rate and get two sites next to each other. We were just nicely set up when our fellow Hino bus mates arrived.

A hard man that led an even harder life!

The Beechworth sweet company is a very special shop and a must see for anyone looking to reminisce a bygone era. Blackjacks, fruit salad, Fry's chocolate creams, and Dib Dabs are just a few that I recall. There were thousands and thousands. It really does take you back to your childhood. The sign above the entrance shows a Gollywog, inside the shop were lots and lots more. How refreshing it is to see that the stupid politically correct brigade have not yet reached Australia!

The Beechworth bakery is well worth a look, It was packed with people all enjoying what the bakery had on offer. Andrea and I settled on a vanilla slice and although nice. I personally have had better.

Kath ordered a lemon meringue pie.

Glen ordered a vanilla slice and a Ned Kelly Pie which contained steak, bacon and eggs. The fat git!
Andrea loves tree -lined paths and although quaint it was bloody freezing in the shade!

There is something mesmerising about a camp fire. We decided that as this was going to be our last night with Kath and Glenn we would all sit around the camp fire and drink copious amounts of alcohol and put the world to rights.

Kath, Chris and Glenn.

The fire was obviously very hot, as Andrea stated that her front legs were burning!

We did ask her how her back legs were doing?

Silly bugger!

Steak and bratwursts (soon to be currywurst) were cooked on the open fire. Kath had done some roasted potatoes and Yorkshire puddings. All washed down with Stella.

What a great night. We will miss you both.

Sambell caravan park was very nice, the amenities were very well kept and super super clean.

Sambell caravan park, Beechworth
Latitude -36.2128S   Longitude 146.422E
Dump-point - Yes Toilets - Yes Water - Yes Pets - Yes Shower - Yes 
Length - 11 Mtrs Level - Yes Noise - No Grassed - Yes Cost - $30 per night Time Limit - None

1 comment:

  1. Fully sel-contained vehicles can camp just outside the Lake Sambell caravan park entrance, alongside the lake, for $5 per vehicle (pay at caravan park office). There are water taps but no other facilities. A great spot and an easy walk into town through parkland.
