Friday, June 21, 2013

Calliope River

Calliope River June 12th - 15th

The Calliope river is located in central Queensland and rises in the Calliope range, inland from the industrial town of Gladstone. It flows past the town of Calliope, before emptying into the Pacific Ocean just north of Gladstone.
Like others along the tropical coast of Australia, the river contains a rare germ which destroys flesh, it can and is sometimes fatal!
I"m starting to think we may have come too far north now! If the box jelly fish don't get you then the bloody Crocodiles will and if your lucky enough to escape both of them, Your'e likely to get the dreaded flesh destroying Vibrio vulnificus! No more wading while fishing for me.

Just what I wanted to see as i wander down to the riverside with my rod in hand.
Didn't even get a bite, no doubt the stingers have eaten all the fish.

The very picturesque calliope river, we were camped to the right of the photo, overlooking the river. The Calliope river free camp is normally both North and South side of the river but due to recent floods erosion has taken place and the council has erected no camping signs and cordoned of this area on the South side of the river. It was disappointing to see that some Idiots have ripped down the councils cordon and are free camping in an area that is prohibited. We have also seen campers with with lit fires which is also not permitted. When will these people learn that their actions will eventually spoil it for all. Once again its the minority destroying it for the majority.

Casper used to have his bed between the driver and passenger seats and while this was adequate at the time, we were always disturbing him when he wanted to sleep. We had to come up with a solution and with a quick measure up and a trip to Bunnings. we now have a happy dog and more space. Its great that he can hide behind the passenger seat when he wants without disturbance. It's also hilarious to watch his head pop around the seat when he hears the food cupboard or biscuit tin open.

Ahem, you weren't closing the biscuit barrel prematurely were you? Hello am I invisible or what? HELLO!

Well fed and watered and now time to chase some bunnies in my sleep. Life is so hard being Casper.

One of the locals popped into the gents toilet, i didn't think it would still be there on my return with the camera? However he/she was happy to oblige.

Andrea enjoying a glass of Sauvignon Blanc at camp Calliope. The mortein burners worked a treat as we never saw one mossie!

I'm telling ya Dad there is something out there! 
I Think its a long nosed, short legged, long tailed terrier! 
Some people call them handbags!

Calliope River rest area
Latitude -23 96 01S   Longitude 151 15 35E
Dump-point - No Toilets - Yes (however only one pot so queues can occur) Water - Yes (non potable) Pets - Yes Shower - No
Length - 9 Mtrs Level - Yes Noise - No Grassed - Yes Cost - Free Time Limit - 48 hours


  1. Casper's bed looks snug - everyone needs their privacy!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Thanks for your nice comment Wendy, Chris
