Monday, May 27, 2013

Wingham NSW

Wingham Brush nature reserve NSW May 9th - 10th 2013

We were looking for a free camp within 2 to 3 hours from Rathmines, when we came across a place called Wingham. Great we thought until I investigated the place further. It appears that the local council had decided to ban camping at the Brush nature reserve back in December 2012. The free camp was closed mainly due to the caravan park lobby, who I am sure would have every free camp and overnight stop abolished if they had their way. That said we do use caravan parks when needed and we do pay their exorbitant prices. ($62 per night in Byron Bay! I DON"T BLOODY THINK SO!!). During the planning of our trip and well before the bus conversion we had decided that free camping was the way we would like to go and it is due to that decision, the conversion cost more than we had budgeted for.
However on doing further research into the plight of Wingham we discovered that due to an outcry from the Wingham retailers complaining of lost revenue the council's decision was overturned in Feb 2013.
It does go to show that the people still have a voice and we should use it. We should never be afraid to take on the councils and the many fat cats who would like to dictate council decisions.
A new sign has now been erected stating that you can camp there and that you should enjoy it! Good on you Wingham.

View of the Manning river from behind our campsite. The river didn't look too inviting and seemed rather unclean. The Brush nature reserve more than made up for what the river lacked.

Wingham Brush nature reserve is a subtropical lowland rainforest, also known as 'The Brush'. This reserve preserves one of only a few remnants of this rare rainforest type in Australia, and is a significant roosting and maternity site for the grey- headed flying fox.

'The Brush' Is also home to some spectacular Ficus macrophylla, more commonly known as Moreton Bay Figs. These are bloody big trees and I do mean BIG!!

Poor Casper just didn't get it, if truth be known I think that poopy pants was a little bit scared of the forest! Call himself a Bull terrier? 

Run away Dad.  Run away !  Beasties, Ghouls, and Goblins live here and I'm having no part of this!

To be fair to him It did have a feel of platform 9 and 3/4 about it. One minute we were there and the next minute POOF we were gone! 

Wingham Brush was a very magical place to wander through, the bats were spectacular come sunset and were a delight to see.

The picture quality does not do justice to the actual sight but gives you an idea as to how many were in flight.

Wingham is a great place for a couple of nights rest and relaxation and well worth a visit.

Latitude -31 52 12S   Longitude 152 22 49E
Dump-point - No Toilets - Yes Water - Yes Pets - Yes Shower - No 
Length - 11 Mtrs Level - Yes Noise - Some Grassed - Yes Cost - $0 per night Time Limit - 24 hours although when we asked the person who knocked on the bus welcoming us with brochures and the likes the time limit he said we could stay as long as we wanted.

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