Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Rathmines Lake Macquarie

Rathmines (Lake Macquarie) May 7th - 8th 2013

Don't you just love forums? Well if you don't you should, especially if you can read between the lines and only take in the valuable information. Ignore the rubbish  and avoid heavy debates and conflict. I think forums are a great way of getting information that is not always available for general use.
We had read that the free camping at Rathmines had been closed by the local council. I asked on a forum I use if this was the case?

It wasn't long before a friend had given me an answer but what was so amazing was she was on her way to Dubai. Thank you.
So we headed off to Rathmines and set up camp next to Lake Macquarie.

Nice flat area along the side of a small wooded area. This will do nicely for a couple of days.

We tethered Casper up outside the bus on his long lead, this would prove a mistake. We didn't realise that a couple of dogs were roaming free around the park area. One was a Great dane (Male and intact) and the other was a small lap dog probably a miniature schnauzer. We were in the bus when the Great Dane decided to pay a visit to Casper. That was a huge mistake on his part as Casper was having nothing to do with this rude intruder. All hackles and muscles Casper made it quite clear that he was unwelcome. I ran out of the bus to calm things down but needn't have worried as the GD thought twice about getting closer to Casper.
Having realised that the GD must be lost Andrea approached it and tried to find a dog tag. Oh no surprise there then NO TAG! People should really take more care of their pet dogs.
Andrea took the pooch for a walk asking at the local shops if anyone knew where the dog lived. Alas nobody knew where the poor thing lived so on her return to the bus she passed some council workers leaning on their shovels (no change there then). Having told them of our plight they found some rope and tied the dog to their vehicle. They would contact a ranger to come collect the dog.
Thirty minutes later the Great Dane had a companion in the shape of a Miniature Schnauzer which had also tried to visit Casper.
The council workers closing statement to Andrea was "We'd like to be able to say we'll  see you again, but  hope we don't"
The next morning the Schnauzer was back in the park free roaming, we didn't see the Dane again.

Cormorants and Pelicans, more anglers to contend with!

Another type of angler A member of the kingfisher family. A kookaburra.
Actually there were loads of thm at Rathmines.

Lake Macquarie just before dusk, it was a beautiful place and so peaceful.

You don't wanna do it like that! You wanna do it like this!

We were just sitting down to our first glass of wine when a whine of another nature interrupted the peace and quiet. I have always loved the sound of the bagpipes, maybe thats why I love Scotland so much?

Rod had only been playing for five years but was brilliant with the chantner. Good on ya mate!

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