Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Armstrong Beach

Armstrong beach caravan park June 23rd - 25th 2013

Armstrong caravan park was very nice, very small (only about thirty pitches) but very nice. If I had a complaint it would be that the same people visit there every single year and have done for years, so when an intruder arrives they tend to close ranks. Our neighbour was quite friendly and readily chatted about his home brewing while on the road. This is something I have been wanting to try for a while now. Watch this space as they say.

Armstrong beach before a King tide and full moon.

Armstrong beach after a King tide and a full moon.

Mother nature at her best yet again, I walk down to the surf's edge at high tide and have to say that we were lucky as it was only meters away from the caravan park. I sort of slept with one eye open, not that I could have done much if the tide had been higher. I haven't yet put an outboard motor on the bus!

The ducks seemed to enjoy it however. These are plumed whistling ducks and they really whistle during flight. We also had a pair of white headed shelduck pay us a visit.

It was a nice place to stay for a couple of days, a bit limited to what you can do there other than fish at high tide. Low tide was a nightmare as the sea went so far out it was unbelievable. 

Armstrong beach caravan park
Latitude -21 27 7S   Longitude 149 17 25E
Dump-point - No Toilets - Yes Water - Yes Pets - Yes Shower - Yes 
Length - 7 Mtrs Level - Yes Noise - No Grassed - Yes Cost - $35 per night Time Limit - Unlimited if you want to pay.

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