Wednesday, June 26, 2013

St Lawrence

St Lawrence recreational reserve June 20th - 23rd 2013

We free camped at St Lawrence for three days and met some wonderful people. The kind of folks that will give you a helping hand and a share of their knowledge. Yes we had a wonderful stay here.

Not a very good photo but if you look to the right the double diesel locomotives are hauling 45 carriages behind them. Tis a bloody long train!

The local supermarket, what a rip off! And I thought Dick Turpin was dead!
I also half expected a rocking chair a duelling banjo's playing!

The local pub. Not a hive of activity by any means, however they served beer and once the remortgage on your house has been sorted the bar man will serve you!

Every town needs a police station and here is St Lawrence's the sign on the door says it all really!

I take it that you have to make an appointment prior to breaking the law just in case its out of hours? Any day is fine apart from Tuesday between 9am and 12 Noon, talk about laid-back if St Lawrence gets any further it will fall over!

Now here is a problem that just Isn't going away. Our first Cane toads. So why again did the Cane toad get introduced? Oh thats correct because the Cane beetle was eating into some of the sugar cane producers profits. Lets release 102 young toads said some bright spark. "What harm could they do?" 
Two billion toads later and we have a problem that cannot be resolved! The human race interfering with mother nature again.

It was early in May that I emailed my buddy on the Gold Coast with a request to manufacture a fire pit from an old gas bottle. It needed to have an opening door on it and re-moveable legs, oh and it also had to fit into a standard milk crate for travelling. Dave answered the call to duty admirably and even though the time constraints were tight he came up with the goods. 
We were able to use the fire pit for the first time at St Lawrence and were extremely pleased with the usability of pit.

I had no problems starting the fire at all, the door lets so much air through that it was soon lit.

It soon became blistering hot as the paint gave way to the heat. Thankfully it didn't give off any fumes.

Now thats a fire! Well maybe too much wood, but hey it was kicking out some heat and would soon burn down to extremely hot embers.

Andrea was very impressed with the heat output and was impressed as to how little smoke there was.

This beer was for you bro! A big big thank you for a job well done. Hope you come and join us one day so you can see the fruits of your labours.

Seasoning the wok (perfect fit) for the inaugural curry. I think it will be chicken madras tonight. After leaving the fire pit door closed for some 12 hours there was still enough heat left in the ashes to do a cooked breakfast the day after. AMAZING!

A full moon and a king tide, now this can only mean one thing? Get out of the way Casper is about to do a BULLY RUN!!!

And we're off! 
Now for all of you that don't know what a bully run is? Have a look at the couple of videos. I think its done to let of built up steam and is the funniest thing to watch.

And to think we rescued one of these lunatics!

I rest my case!

St Lawrence recreational reserve
Latitude -22 21 3S   Longitude 149 31 10E
Dump-point - Yes Toilets - Yes Water - Yes Pets - Yes Shower - Yes 
Length - N/A Level - Yes Noise - No Grassed - Yes Cost - Free Time Limit - 7 nights?


  1. Hey,that looks great. Glad it is doing it's job, and may you have many more meals and 'toastie' hours with it.


  2. I'm sure we will mate thanks for all your time and effort.
