Sunday, July 07, 2013


Wangaratta caravan park, Bowen June 28th - July 1st 2013

We arrived in Bowen full of high hopes that we would manage to find a job and recoup some of the money that we have already spent on this trip. Four and a half grand in repairs took a large chunk out of  our savings.
The first stop we made was at the Bowen information centre, asking where we could possibly find work? Mmmm you and 300 backpackers was the reply. Talk about deflated!
There is a book (The Bible) called Work About Australia which we have relied upon for hopefully getting work as we go, it states.
Seasonal employment:
Bowen is one of Queensland's major fruit and vegetable growing areas. Tomatoes, mangoes, cucumbers, capsicums, corn, beans and paw paws are amongst the many crops grown in the region.
The tomatoes harvest, which is one of the areas largest crops, probably has the largest call for labour.
Vegetable harvesting can begin as early as April and continue until November. The Mango harvest commences in November  and last for about 6 weeks. It is possible for workers moving to the Bowen area to obtain up to 6 months seasonal work.
Numbers required 3000 - 5000 over the year. I HAVE NEVER HEARD SUCH TWADDLE IN ALL MY LIFE! What a waste of money Work About  Australia is.
I can't believe that we have also signed up to their website (at a further cost) for weekly news bulletin. Duped again, ah well we will keep looking and in the meantime still enjoy ourselves.

The big Mango! Another one ticked off the list actually it was quite impressive.

Wangaratta at the beach was a great little caravan park. It was nicely laid out with bushes bordering all the sites making it a bit more private than some we have stayed at.

The beach was approximately 50 meters from the caravan park and was great for a walk along, obviously shadowed by a Bull Terrier.

Andrea's favourite beach was Murray bay, it was a very special place, very secluded and in pristine condition. Casper also loved it!

I swear that bloody dog will make a toy out of anything! I'm now throwing Coconuts for the daft sod.

Thought he was the bees knees when he swam out to this rocky outcrop didn't ya? Didn't think I could get at you did ya?

Oh and the following day when Andrea took Casper back to this spot she noticed the 'No Dogs allowed' sign. Ah well another beach we cant take you Casper.

Although Bowen is a bit of a run down town with very little happening, It does boast some spectacular views. It also boast some marvellous wildlife.

Black all round today! A black stork and a black swan, not something you see everyday!

It is fair to say that although we didn't find any work at Bowen we still enjoyed our stay. I am sure if we had found employment we would still have been there.

Wangarrata caravan park Bowen
Latitude -19 58 54S   Longitude 148 13 59E
Dump-point - Yes Toilets - Yes Water - Yes Pets - Yes Shower - Yes 
Length - 9 Mtrs Level - Yes Noise - Some (close to road) Grassed - Yes Cost - $30 per night Time Limit - N/A

1 comment:

  1. Wish we had met you - also staying at the Park! Continue to enjoy your journey! Found your blog while looking for a picture of the caravan park!
